Day 31- Launch Complete…What’s Next?

Our Kickstarter campaign finished yesterday, and Phase one: Virtual Puppet Rocko, will begin in a few weeks. We are still joyful and grateful for all the support and activity that we’ve had around our project, but we are also feeling a bit  Kickstarter campaign weary. Now we are gearing up for a trip to Baltimore to drop our oldest off at college. Of course, Rocko will be coming right along with us, but as of yet, no events scheduled. We do plan, however, to gift a few copies of the book to each of our universities since both Rodney and I attended college in Baltimore.

When we return, I plan to get started revising the next book in the series. Eighteen years ago, I wrote a five book series for Rocko Rocket, but I’ve learned so much since then that I feel will make the series a lot more engaging for young readers. Rodney will work on updating the website so people can purchase a few of the things that were featured as rewards on Kickstarter. He will then begin creating the virtual puppet and an animated short for our Kickstarter backers. At the same time, both of us will work to gain corporate sponsors to produce our pilot episode for our animated series. If not an animated series, then a web series. We will see how it goes.

In the meantime, we will still be working to secure events, workshops and distribution sites for the first book to expand our fan base. So, all in all, we clearly have a lot of work ahead of us. For now at least, in the past two years, we have launched two successful campaigns and published a first book. We’ve made a lot of progress, and the support of our friends and family motivates us to keep reaching for the next goal.

Lastly, if I write about a character that is persistent and never gives up on his dreams, then I definitely want to practice what I preach.


Rocket, Don’t Stop It…Rocko Rocket Don’t Stop

Our  Kickstarter campaign, is almost over, but it feels like we’re just getting started. It’s been such an exciting week for Rocko Rocket. We’ve been going “ticky tocket…moving all around the clock.”  On Tuesday morning we met with a woman who organizes events at The Miami Children’s Museum, so now we are on the calendar for September 19th for a reading and an activity. On Wednesday morning we had a reading at Atala Montessori where I read to kids age three to twelve and gained a few more fans.  On Thursday afternoon, we had a meeting at the airport which led to selling a dozen books and flashcards sets to Books 4 Travel, a store in the airport near British Airways. On Thursday night Rodney did a live painting exhibit at The Iron Fork: The Miami Spice Kick off Event. We sold books there as well and introduced more people to Rocko’s story. We even gained ten more likes on our Facebook page:)

Friday morning was spent updating social networks, but by Friday afternoon, we finally made time for some rest and relaxation at Virginia Key Beach. Today, it’s all about cleaning the house and getting things in order for the last leg of our Kickstarter campaign. We are having a blast with Rocko, and we definitely feel the best has yet to come.

Counting the days…

If you knew you had ten days left to live, how would you behave? Would you pursue your dreams, love harder and laugh louder? Would you worry what others think of you as much? These are hypothetical questions that have been posed a variety of ways and times by many. You can’t seriously answer these questions unless this is close to your reality. Yet, I will say that having a thirty-day project with a finite start and finish time has pushed Rodney and I forward in ways 335 days before  this project had not. Now we have ten days until the end of our campaign, and we are working to make each day count.

This is the thing about a kickstarter project I appreciate the most. The journey teaches you how important each day Is to reaching your goal. No, it’s not the same as a life or death situation, but I am convinced that every day of our life should include the pursuit of happiness. In these past few weeks, I’ve seen the impact our courage to pursue our dream has had on others. We have made others happy and reflective about projects they have yet to pursue. We have seen some people get back to the drawing board, and we’ve seen how much progress we can make together when we go in with both feet. Most importantly, we realize that we have come too far to turn back now.

We are Rocko’s creators, but more importantly, we are Rocko’s voice. He has the life, breath and visibility we give him. If we stop, Rocko will fade into the background while we busy ourselves handling the demands of each day.  Now, more than ever, we are contemplating how Rocko will be a character that ten years from now, kids like Zion will remember.

Zion is one of Rocko’s biggest fans. He surprised Rodney and I at our table at the Bahamian Goombay Festival this past weekend when he showed up with his mom wearing his Rocko Rocket t-shirt. I was ecstatic, but that word doesn’t quite fit the bill for the feeling I had after seeing that little cutie’s face approaching us. It was priceless. The twelve hours we spent in that sweltering heat was worth that one moment. Then it rained, and he had to go.  Later the sky cleared and the sun returned. And just when I thought my day couldn’t get any better, a former student showed up, and my joy cup runneth over.  All and all, it was a great day, and I have this journey with Rocko to thank for that.

Long live Rocko!




Day ?- Radio Rocko?? What do the fans really want?

Okay, so today is apparently day 15? My count has been off. We have 15 days left on our Kickstarter campaign, and we are working hard to reach out to new people to build an audience for our series. Tonight we did a radio interview on a radio program called “The Blue” on Excitement Radio. Our main message: numbers matter. Not the number behind the dollar sign, but the number behind the word “backers.” Backers=support. So, although we are already funded on our project, we need more backers to prove there is a demand. After all, potential distributors need to know the show will have an audience.  The number of backers answers the question: “Who wants to see this show happen? Or, who thinks this is a worthy project?” That’s why if we had a thousand dollars with a thousand backers, it would look a lot better for us than a thousand dollars with twenty supporters. We are still extremely grateful to those who got us funded early because now we have time to grow, but now the real hustle is on to see if people really want to see this happen. What do Rocko fans really want? We keep asking this question.

For now, we are working hard to increase our visibility, gain more FB likes, and above all, gain more backers. Believe it or not, it can be hard trying to do it all and stay encouraged, but I’m hustling it out to the last day of the campaign. This Rocko project has to take off one way or the other. Let’s go, Rocko!

Day 11- Rocko Is a Rockstar

Do you hear that screaming? Do you see the couple jumping up and down and pumping their fists? Well, that’s my husband and I, and we are not at an Artic Monkeys concert. We are celebrating our second kickstarter success, and our rockstar, Rocko Rocket.

We are so excited that people are starting to love our little guy almost as much as we do. People want to see him live, up close, and personal. He is on his way. He is quickly gaining popularity on Instagram, and in less than a week, we have gained close to fifty new likes on the Rocko Rocket Facebook page. It’s happening. Our goal is getting closer and closer, and it feels really good.

Day 10 – What I’ve Learned So Far…

The last few days have been very busy. I had a book reading on Thursday morning, an art opening Thursday evening, and a book event on Friday. I sold and signed some copies, took some pictures, gave away a few shirts, pencils, and a few Rocko word searches and talked a lot about Rocko. We also gained four more backers for our kickstarter project. We’ve also met some people that gave good ideas for Rocko that we had not considered. Even when we’re not busy physically doing things, we’ve been moving mentally non-stop. Saturday morning was spent planning the last few days of our second week of the campaign in order to gain new Rocko fans and new kickstarter backers.

What I’ve learned so far…somethings are harder than you think, even the second time around. People who care about you are genuinely happy when you experience success, events may lead you in unexpected directions, and help can come from anywhere and anyone.




Day 7- Ready for Take Off

We are one week in and beginning to feel new momentum growing around the project.  We feel renewed from the encouragement and support we have received. I think it is one of the reasons kickstarter has had so much success. People are a part of making things happen for other people. They get to track your progress, and  cross their fingers with you. They wait for you at the finish line shouting, “You can do it; you’re almost there!” I actually just said something similar in a private message to a woman I’ve only seen on television. Her project ends tomorrow. She has a bit to go to make her goal, but I think she will make it. I also think that sometimes words of encouragement act like rocket fuel when you’re so close to the fear of not reaching your goal. Having support  makes the difference.

We are setting out for the next three weeks of our project, and we are ready for take off.

Day 6 – Two Things To Be Happy About

Okay, today was a better day for Rocko. No, we didn’t get completely funded, and Oprah hasn’t called yet, but we did gain a new backer, and we did sell another copy of Rocko’s Big  Launch. Those are definitely two things to be happy about. Because of this, balance has been restored to the Rocko Rocket universe. We actually sold that copy of our book online this morning right after I gave one away. *Good Karma boomerang:)

I also made some progress today on my other goal, which was to gain a venue for a reading. We may even have a few locations to market and sell our book. I won’t post details, however, until it’s official, but the future is bright.

This week’s goal is to keep making progress. We are over 30% funded and it hasn’t even been a week yet. We’re in a good place.

Bring Him to Life




Day 5- Rocko vs. World Cup

I got home too late to report on day four, but it was pretty  un- eventful on the kickstarter front. I was out yesterday at a friend’s going away party, so I didn’t want to push the campaign too much while we were guests in their home.  I really wanted to be 30% funded before today. From what I gleaned today on Facebook, everyone was more focused on the World Cup and the beach this weekend. If it’s Rocko vs. The World Cup, which is once every four years, I won’t expect pledges from soccer fans.. One friend told us flat out that they would pledge after the games.  I completely understand, but since I’m loyal to Rocko, I can’t relax when he needs me more than ever.

So today I’ve been trying to acquire new backers, I’ve been identifying new venues for readings, workshops, or book sales, and I’ve been wracking my brain trying to think of ideas for new opportunities or platforms to share Rocko’s story.    I’m optimistic about tomorrow.


Day 3- Rocko on the Move

As I write this post, we are wrapping up a Rocko Rocket pop-up exhibit. We read, we laughed, we ate, tapped our feet to live music, and most importantly, gained a new backer and a few new Rocko fans.  It was also nice to share our story about Rocko’s humble beginnings. For example, most were surprised to learn that we began this project over eighteen years ago. I wrote five stories, Rodney illustrated them, we saw the potential of Rocko, but we just had no idea what to do with it, so we ultimately did nothing.

Over the past 14 years, however, we have been led into experience after experience that we now know was meant to prepare us for the here and now.  Then came art openings, school publishing projects, better technology…Steve Jobs,, kickstarter, good friends, supportive family members, and a first book.

Now we are at it again, and we hope others will join us.